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Calls to fill vacant posts at correction services centres

Lebombo Border Post.
Avbob Investment Plan
CAPE TOWN – Overcrowding, a lack of infrastructure maintenance, and staff shortages due to budget cuts are some of the concerning findings made by Parliament’s Correctional Services Portfolio Committee.
The committee was on an oversight visit at the Goodwood Prison in Cape Town on Wednesday.
Last month, officials raided the facility and confiscated contraband including cell phones, drugs and money after an inmate boasted on social media about the luxuries available at the prison.
READ: Prisoner from viral video moved from Goodwood Correctional Centre
While no officials have been officially charged with aiding inmates to access the contraband, Correctional Services’ National Commissioner, Samuel Thobakgale says they’re still investigating the matter.
eNCA’s Nobesuthu Hejana filed this report.
